Gentle January Reflections

Gentle January Reflections — Christy Doucette

As we start 2023, it seemed important to remind each one of us to lay aside the big plans and challenging goals, and instead to invite something counter cultural, which is Rest.

Take a step outside or look at your window. You’ll see bare branches, leaves on the ground, and possibly even some ground cover with snow. Nature is cueing us to follow her lead. Let this season with less day light and more darkness with increased time inside, to tend to inner selves. To support our bodies, hearts, and minds into a stance of rest.

There is not one thing to strive for right now. Do you see tree leaves trying to sprout, or flowers blooming? We are more alike and connected with nature when we allow ourselves to see. Our culture has conditioned us to believe we are to produce year round, 24/7. This just is not true, nor sustainable.

Spring will return and when she does, we will re-emerge with fresh ideas, inspiration, and plans for growth. Till then, hunker down my love and let the shorter days and longer nights hold you. Grab that puzzle or book, or take a long soak, or play a card game with someone you care about. Make that cozy hot cup of tea and just sit. Or make that nourishing pot of soup, letting the elements come together and simmer.

Slow way down. Let rest, play, and nourishment be your way forward.