Change is in the air… 

Some days we are on cloud 9, rolling and receptive.  We feel in the flow of what life is bringing and we smile with glee at new adventures and experiences.  We have patience in the tank for the unexpected and have a twinkle in our eyes when meeting strangers.  We shine and say Thank you! 

And then there are other days we are not okay despite all the good we attempt.  Some days, parts of days, or moments feel so very uncomfortable, dysregulating, and disruptive.  And the more we resist these truths and sensations, the louder they often have to get to be heard. 

mindless pacing

Change is in the air and this morning it caused a real internal ruckus.  More so, change outside of my choosing is in the air and thus the internal ruckus! 

My body’s cues… 

tightness in my heart space and shoulders
clenched throat
overactive mind
mindless pacing
random chores being tended to (but not the ones that need done to be clear!) 

This was AFTER starting my morning with gentle movement, journaling, and some meditation.  Given that cocktail of tending, I should have been good. to. go.  

And yet I was not.  

Sooo more pacing inside till I was able to lace up my tennis shoes… and then one nature walk and a movement class later I realized I was resisting what was.  Resisting our fall change in schedule, school starting back, a pending tropical storm, sessions possibly canceled, another senseless mass shooting and living in a very conservative state that continues to make laws that impact personal autonomy and debilitate public education, and then guilt that i have a spacious schedule right now, and struggling to rest in how beautiful this current season is.  

As soon as I allowed the truths to fall out onto the page and to move with them, the sensations felt less loud.  

We have been taught to ignore difficult thoughts, fearing if we give them space they’ll consume us.  Yet just the opposite is true.  Letting the resistance soften and instead, allowing what is to be present, ease and next right steps will follow. 

That brings us to now… allowing what is has allowed my nervous system to settle and unfurl today, just like this fern.  Join me if it feels right.  Find a spot to sit outside or look at a window toward a tree line.  


Notice the shades of green, blue, and brown fill your front line of sight and periphery. 


Birds call one another with their unique pitches and frequencies. Cicadas buzz in bursts. 


Wind is moving the tops and sides of the trees, and their leaves rustle and shimmer in sunlight. 


Surrender to right now, to using each of your senses and awareness of what is.  

Feel your feet, the density of your body being held by the earth.  Breathe in and out, feeling the pulse of right now.  What is present and needs awareness?  Can you soften in with your senses and allow it to be?  Do you notice tightness in your neck, shoulders, or jaw, and with a breathe, can you exhale and soften just a smidge?   Allow nature’s rhythm to guide you back to your breath and into your body and your unique experience right now.  

Sending so much love to you in this very moment.  And let me know if this resonates with you.
