January = Slow + Pause

Here is your official invitation to slow down this January. 

Perhaps you've gotten sick (ahem, cough cough personally) and slowing down is required. Or you feel burnout from the over-giving of time, resources, and emotions from the time between November and December.

January is the heart of winter and is inviting us to listen to nature's rhythm. 

Look outside and see the long shadows and the bare branches.
Are the leaves clinging to their branches, refusing to relent? 
Or have they fallen, deplete of nutrients and having returned to the earth to be recycled and re-nourished back into the soil? 

Allowing winters rest to prepare the soil and trees and land for what is ahead come spring. Spring cannot come in a healthy way without a full process of winter.  

To make room for reflection and introspection, getting still and quiet to hear all that is just below the surface.  This is where intuition and Spirit are most easily heard.

This is where intuition and Spirit are most accessible.