We experience, feel, and internalize all day long.  We need intentional space and time to metabolize truth that belongs, and dislodge what is no longer serving.


Session Logistics and Questions Asked

Session length and cost:

  • All new interested clients please schedule a consultation call, and we’ll explore options and the best fit for working together. We’ll determine the appropriate type of session, exploring scheduling and fees.

  • Counseling, Yoga Therapy, and Embodiment sessions are 50 minutes and held in person outside or over zoom. Cost for 50 minute session is $115.

  • Breathwork sessions are held over zoom, with availability for in-person if requested.
    Cost for zoom breathwork session is $115 and 75 minutes in length
    Cost for in-person breathwork session is $150 and 90 minutes in length

  • Group classes range in pricing depending on the location.

    * If finances were to get in the way of pursuing this work, please reach out and we will explore options. It is important to me that support be accessible.

Each session may include varying levels of verbal processing, movement, breathe, and present moment noticing. We will go at your pace and comfort level. No experience necessary with particular styles of movement or breathing.

All body types, orientations, belief systems, and walks of life are welcome and invited into this work.

It is important to note that ALL are welcome here and to this healing space. YOU are welcome here.


“To listen is to lean in, softly, with a willingness to be changed by what we hear.”



How I view this work together….

This is partner work. You are partnering with me to walk through some healing together and you are partnering with your whole self - body, mind, emotions, and spirit to access inner knowing already within you.  Often when we attempt this work alone or primarily from the mind, we get stuck in the swirl of over-thinking. This can result in increased anxiety or feeling stuck. 

Anne Lamott encourages “only go as fast as the slowest part of you can go.” Work together will go at your pace.

Through pursuing this work together, you are invited to use this layer of support to get out of your head and into your body and heart. We will discover together through inquiry and exploration what is needing some attention in your life. 

Depending on what emerges and individual needs, 1-2 sessions may feel right or several will feel most supportive. Clients typically experience increased peace and ease during sessions and gain clarity about steps moving forward.